Women Who Code Mentorship Program 3.0 Week 4–5

Raksha Jain
2 min readMar 17, 2021


Week 4 mainly was about picking a field of our choice and create a mini project for the same. Since I had my exams approaching and my mentor was out of town as she had to visit her college to vacate her hostel, we didn’t discuss much. But all this was compensated by week 5. All of us (3 mentees of my group) generally had a short individual 20–30 min call with our mentor, Ms. Atibhi. But this time we had a combined call and it was way too productive.

We discussed about various topics ranging from research internships, facing behavioral interviews, importance of ATS format resume to creating online presence. We even covered our Week 5’s agenda in detail i.e about importance of keeping an updated LinkedIn profile and creating a Twitter account and hence following relevant people, posting relevant content to create our presence even amongst recruiters.

Each of us had tons of questions in mind, myriad of topics and were hard to stop. As a result, the call lasted for 1.5 hours. We were reluctant to say goodbye and knowing it was the last week and our last call, we decided to stay connected on various social media sites including LinkedIn, Instagram and even created WhatsApp group and exchanged our contact numbers.

It was truly a wonderful experience, knowing people and exploring beyond my college life, having a opportunity to get mentored by Atibhi dii, an embodiment of knowledge and wisdom and connecting with awesome fellow mentees: Aishwarya and Sneha was a dream come true.

I am extremely gratified to have this opportunity and grateful for Women Who Code Delhi for making me a part of one.



Raksha Jain

I am a self motivated computer science Engineer with an eye for detail. I am a life long learner, quick to grasp new responsibilities.